张永康,1951 年生,腾冲人。曾任云南省文物总店经理、省博物馆副馆长兼国家文物出境鉴定云南站站长、省文物局副局长。现为云南省文史研究馆馆员、国家文物鉴定委员会委员、省文物鉴定委员会主任。曾参加江川李家山、元谋大墩子、楚雄万家坝、曲靖珠街八塔台等大规模考古发掘;鉴定馆藏和社会文物10 万余件,确认珍贵文物1 万余件;致力于云南地方艺术品整理与研究,有《云南省博物馆藏画集》、《云南文人画》、《木氏宦谱》、《仁恒藏瓷》、《云南民间收藏文物集萃》、《大理佛》、《佛国遗珍》等图集和专著问世。
Zhang Yongkang, born in 1951, is a native of Tengchongcounty, Yunnan province. He was once general manager ofYunnan Antique Store, deputy curator of Yunnan Museum,and head of Yunnan Branch of National Inspection Station forAntiques Exporting, deputy director of Yunnan Bureau of Antiqueand Relics. He is now a staff-member of the Yunnan Institutefor Traditional Sinology, councilman of national committee forantique accreditation, head of Yunnan committee for antiqueaccreditation. He had participated in several important excavationsof ancient tombs, including the excavations Lijiashan in Jiangchuancounty, Dadunzi in Yuanmou county, Wangjiaba in Chuxiong andBatatai in Qujing. Mr. Zhang had reviewed and identified morethan a hundred thousands antiques both in museums and fromsociety, among which more than ten thousand are important andvaluable. He devotes himself to Yunnan local artworks researchingand recording. His publications include albums and essays,major publications are Album of Yunnan Museum Collections,Pictures by Scholars in Yunnan, The Genealogy of Family Mu,Porcelains Collected by Renheng , Collection of Antiques Collectedby Individuals, Buddha Image in Dali, Treasures of BuddhismArtworks.